Via Monastero snc - 91017 - Pantelleria (TP)
Tel: (+39) 0923 408120 - (+39) 334 2660154 | Mob: (+39) 334 2660154 | Email:




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Hotel with restaurant in Pantelleria

Themà Restaurant and Lounge at Sikelia: A Journey into the Flavors of Pantelleria

Welcome to Sikelia's Themà Restaurant and Lounge, where Africa and Sicily come together in a unique culinary experience shaped by the winds and sun of Pantelleria.

Fusion Cuisine: The Harmony of Unique Flavors.

Chef Roberto Conti: Creator of Gastronomic Emotions.
Under the expert guidance of our Executive Chef, Roberto Conti, Themà's cuisine is a symphony of bold and refined flavors.

Sicily and Pantelleria Together

Explore the fusion of traditional Sicilian and Pantelleria recipes, enriched with an Arab-African twist that makes each dish an unforgettable experience.

Local Raw Materials

We use only fresh, local ingredients, celebrating the richness of Pantelleria's land and sea.

Luxury Hotel with restaurant Pantelleria

Exclusive Menu: A Unique Gastronomic Journey.

Starters of Land and Sea

Begin your gastronomic journey with a selection of appetizers celebrating local produce.

Creative First Courses

Savor creativity in our first courses, where artisanal pasta blends with the unique flavors of the island.

Meat and Fish 

From the freshness of fish to the delicacies of local meat, every bite is an explosion of flavor.

Symphonic Desserts

End your meal with our handcrafted desserts that bring with them the sweetness and tradition of Pantelleria.

Lounge and Unique Atmosphere: A Complete Experience

Exclusive Aperitifs and Drinks

Enjoy an aperitif in our lounge, where the sea view and relaxed atmosphere create the perfect setting to start the evening.

Special Events

Sikelia's Themà Restaurant and Lounge is the ideal venue for special events and private dinners. Find out more and book your hotel with restaurant in Pantelleria!